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Dr. Martone & Neck Nest Media Highlights

We are committed to helping people sleep better while improving the structure of their spine. There is no better health hack then to use the time you are sleeping to improve your over all wellness. Here are some in depth interviews where Dr Sleep Right discusses the power of SLEEP.



Dave Asprey Bulletproof Interview

Sleep Position And Performance

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Podcast With Ben Greenfield

The Problem With Sleeping On Your Side, How To Sleep On Your Back, Little-Known Sleep Enhancement Tricks & Much More!

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Podcast With Dr. Joe Mercola

How your sleeping position can affect not only your quality of sleep, but also your over-all health.

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The Awake & Winning Podcast

Kaylor Betts and Dr. Martone take a deep dive into ADHD.

If you have ADHD, or know someone who has it, this is an excellent recording to tune into with lots of practical things that someone can implement into their own lives.

Episode Highlights: ADD, ADHD, sleep, sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system

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Wellness Mama Podcast

Dr. Martone talks to Katie Wells, Founder of Wellness Mama, About How Your Sleeping Position Affects Your Health

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The Fit Mess: A Men's Mental Health Podcast

The Surprising Impact Your Sleep Position Has on Your Mental Health.

How To Relax Your Nervous System and Reduce Anxiety Through Better Sleep with Dr. Peter Martone.

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Inside Out Health Podcast

With Coach Tara Garrison and Dr. Martone

In this episode, Dr. Martone shares his vast knowledge on the impact of sleep in various areas of our life, and demonstrates the correct sleeping position to rectify common health issues and finally get a full night of restful sleep. 

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Think Fitness Life Podcast with Matt Gluckman and Eric Menchi

Sleep Posture and Your Health

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Dr. Martone talks with Dr. Mariza

The Top 5 Pillars of Deep Restorative Sleep + How to Relax Your Nervous System and Reduce Anxiety Before Bed with Dr. Peter Martone

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The Best Sleep Posture For Deep Restorative Sleep & Simple Tips to Increase Heart Rate Variability

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Sleeping Your Way to Better Health: Unveiling the Secrets of Proper Sleep Positions with Dr. Peter Martone and Dr. Christine Schaffnert

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Learning How To Sleep Right With Dr. Peter Martone

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Well Beyond 40 with JJ Virgin

Improve Your Well-being By Changing Your Sleep Posture

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The Melanie Avalon Biohacking Podcast ~ Neck vs. body positioning, Fetal Position, Animal Sleeping Positions, Side Sleeping, Sleeping on a full stomach, Autonomic Nervous System, Elevating while sleeping, Sense of safety, Sleep studies and MORE!

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